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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Contra 3 The Alien Wars

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Game Name : Contra 3 The Alien Wars
System : SNES
Date Added : 2005-05-24 04:56:24
Views : 47848

All weapons:
Press Right, Down, Down/Right, Right, Start at the player selection screen. A death scream will confirm correct code entry.

Sound test:
Rapidly tap X while quickly pressing Down, Right on the title screen.

In-game reset:
Hold L + R + Start and press Select during game play to return to the title screen.

Screen spin:
Briefly press L or R once, then hold the button in levels two or four. The screen will spin rapidly.

Extra lives:
There are two locations on level 1 where your character can remain motionless to collect extra points and lives. After starting level one, your character will find a futuristic car. Do not destroy it. Jump over it and use it as a shield against the attacks that originate from the left side of the screen. Keep firing towards the right side of the screen, instantly killing all opponents that appear from that direction to collect easy points and the occasional extra life.

Later in level one, your character will collect homing missiles. Take the missiles to the next higher platform, and out of the way of the ground activity. Use the missiles to destroy all enemies that come into range to accumulate more points and lives. Note: When playing under the highest difficulty setting, a maximum of twenty-nine lives may be accumulated.

Code notes:
The following codes are valid for the Japanese version of the game. No codes exist for the North American version.

Level select:
Press Left, Down, Down/Left, Left, Start at the player selection screen. A hum will confirm correct code entry.

Easy weapon change:
Press Start pause game play and press X to change weapons. You will notice that your weapons can change even while the game is paused.

Double weapon:
Note: This trick requires a controller with a auto-fire feature. Begin game play and assign X to have auto-fire. The weapon selection display on the top of the screen will rapidly change. Once two weapons are collected, both of them may be used simultaneously. Note: The flame-thrower is not effected by this trick.

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